Genos ROI Calculator

The Genos EI, ROI Calculator provides an estimate of the likely return on investment from assessing and developing the emotional intelligence of a group. It is based on our published research on the relationship between levels of emotional intelligence and employee performance using advance statistical techniques to estimate with a high degree of confidence the likely return you’ll receive. Part of this estimate is based on the accuracy of the numbers you input into the calculator so it is essential that these are as accurate as possible.

If you request a PDF report of the results you’ll also receive a document that details the research and statistics underling the values we quote you.

1 Number of people within your organisation you are considering putting through an EI Development Program
2 Average number of sick days taken each quarter (i.e., every 3 months, looking at the past 12 months) by the people you are considering for EI Development

3 Average annual salary of the people being considered for EI Development
4 The number of people that left your organisation (voluntarily and involuntarily) in the roles of people being considered for EI Development
5 Average cost of re-hiring a position in terms of months.

i.e. If a new employee costs half the annual salary of previous employee, Hire Cost = 6 months.

6 Cost of EI Development Program for a single Participating Employee





A successful Emotional Intelligence Development programme can decrease staff absenteeism on average by 30-40%.

A successful Emotional Intelligence Development programme can decrease staff turnover on average by 10-25%.

A successful Emotional Intelligence Development programme can increase Emotional Intelligence on average by 15%.

To read more about the science behind the calculator click below:

Science Behind the Calculator

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