emotional intelligence
assessments and reports.
Game changing for business. Life changing for people.
Genos assessments offer a science-based advantage for individuals and teams. They measure workplace behaviours against an award-winning model of emotional intelligence to boost performance and culture. Genos assessments are used by organisations worldwide and offered in over 28 languages.

The only reports that offer dual benchmarking.
Unlike any other tool in the world, Genos assesses behaviours and then benchmarks them in two ways:
- Against global research, to see how participants or teamssit against worldwide EI standards.
- Against your unique organisational expectations, to see how participants or teams sit against EI competencies that colleagues believe are important.
Use the results to equip participants with tools and techniques to build their EI skillset. And ultimately foster exceptional professional and personal outcomes.
Genos assessments can be administered to individuals or teams by a Genos Certified Practitioner or Genos International. Results can be delivered by our interactive, self-paced learning platform Genos Digital, or via beautifully designed PDF documents. All result reports come with development tips workbooks to help people move from results to action.

Leadership Assessments
Front line managers to CEOs

Workplace Assessments
Individuals or teams in any role

Sales Assessments
Sales professionals and teams

Selection Assessment
Job candidates
Why Genos Assessments?
Leadership Assessments
Designed for emerging
toestablished leaders.
EI is key to our capacity to drive high performance and employee engagement. Assess and develop this skillset in managers and leaders to improve individual and organisational performance.
Leadership Assessment Options
Self-assessment: How well a leader believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviours, and how important they believe it is to do so.
180 assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback from one rater group.
360 assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback from managers, peers, direct reports, and other rater categories you may wish to add.
Workplace Assessments
Designed for individuals
or teams in any role.
High levels of EI boost career success, wellbeing, performance and more. Assess and develop the behaviours of an individual or team at any level,in any role, with a workplace assessment.
Workplace Assessment Options
Self-Assessment: How well an individual believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours,and how important they believe it is to do so.
180 Assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback from one rater group.
360 Assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback frommultiple rater groups such as managers or peers.
Sales Assessments
Designed for sales professionalsand teams.
Applying an understanding of emotions in sales increases both sales revenue and customer loyalty. Improve sales results by assessing and developing the emotional intelligence of sales professionals and teams.
Sales Assessment Options
Self-assessment: How well a sales professional believes they demonstrate emotionally intelligent behaviours, and how important they believe it is to do so.
180 Assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback from one rater group and customers.
360 Assessment: Self-assessment, plus feedback from customers, and multiple rater categories.
Selection Assessment
Designed for job candidates.
Assess the EI of job candidates, and ensure you make the right hire. Integrate the assessment into the recruitment process when selecting and hiring new employees or transitioning current employees into new positions.
Selection Assessment Option
Designed specifically for recruitment purposes and in particular external hires. The Selection Assessment incorporates sophisticated measures of socially desirable responding and how frequently a candidate demonstrates emotionally intelligent workplace behaviours.
Post Assessment Tools
Group reports to develop
EI in an entire team.
Learn More
Request a complimentary group report and gain insight into the EI of an entire team. Group reports aggregate results of any assessment group containing more than 1 person and are available to all Genos Certified Practitioners. They allow you to take a data driven approach to providing learning and development to groups.
Interactive Digital reports to
inspire learning and growth.
Learn More
Deliver individual results through Genos Digital for a powerful learning experience. This platform debriefs results and transforms assessment feedback into actionable behaviours. Genos Digital uses interactive content including videos, smart processes, AI, and practical development steps. With this information fast-tracked, those who need a coach can use the de-brief session to focus on bringing their action plan to life.
Support EI development
with a corporate program.
Learn More
Following the assessment of individuals or an entire team, drive further results with a corporate program. Spanning leadership, sales and wellbeing, Genos corporate programs are designed to enhance EI skills. All programs can be tailored to specific needs and are delivered by a Genos International Master Trainer.
How to access Genos International Assessments
Genos Certification Program
Get Genos Certified and run assessments for your workforce or client organisations.
The Genos certification program helps HR or Learning & Development teams, or independent coaches become experts in EI. Certified practitioners gain access to our award-winning assessments, reports, and tools to administer within their own or client organisations.
Appoint Genos International
Appoint Genos International to run one or moreassessment programs.
Certified Practitioners can also work directly with Genos International for additional support in structuring and administering assessments.