Resolving Workplace Conflict Through Mediation

The repercussions of not taking workplace conflict seriously can be significant. Unresolved conflicts not only undermine workplace harmony but also drain productivity and morale.  

 This episode of Emotional Intelligence at Work with Kris Darmody explores the importance of overcoming workplace conflict, the role mediation can play in facilitating communication between conflicting parties, and the power of a win-win mindset.  

Learn the importance of creating a safe space for mediation, how to establish ground rules, and how and when to address disrespectful behaviour in the workplace.  

In this episode of EI at Work, you’ll learn about:

[00:01:15] The increased workplace conflict due to additional pressures and stress.

[00:02:16] The different definitions of conflict and the negative triggers associated with it. 

[00:08:11] Identifying when conflict becomes problematic, such as dismissing or not effectively addressing issues. 

[00:11:29] How a win-win mindset is important in negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution. 

[00:14:08] What mediation is and when it is needed in resolving conflicts. 

[00:19:21] The importance of individual intake sessions to help parties understand their emotions, triggers, and values before entering into mediation. 

[00:22:28] The importance of creating a safe space for mediation, including rules of engagement and confidentiality. 

[00:24:59] The process of mediation, including intake sessions and the possibility of completing the process in a couple of weeks. 

 [00:31:50] The risks of conflict avoidance, including compromised psychological safety and the potential for gossip and assumptions to escalate the conflict. 

 [00:34:29] How the goalpost of disrespectful behaviour keeps shifting, leading to the perpetuation of conflict in the workplace. 

 [00:35:21] Why mediation and conflict resolution are particularly relevant and important given the current global situation. 

About Kris Darmody

About Kris Darmody

Kris Darmody is an accredited workplace mediator, conflict coach, conciliator with the Fair Work Commission and lawyer. With a 20 year work history spanning a range of industries including creative, education, commercial and government sectors, Kris has worked with diverse people and personalities in different workplace environments to help them understand and navigate conflict with the goal of resolving their disputes.   

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