A large NSW government agency was about to go through a restructure that would affect a large number of people. There was considerable anxiety, uncertainty and stress amongst the workforce that was impacting productivity, decreasing employee engagement and decreasing service levels.
The Genos Solution
Genos trained a team of internal learning and development facilitators to deliver the Genos Ignite Program to the workforce. The Ignite program lifts individuals’ resilience by improving self-awareness and the quality of relationships among staff; helping people have difficult authentic conversations more effectively; and improving emotional and physical well-being.
The program involves six two-hour sessions delivered over a six-month period with pre and post measures of emotional intelligence and employee engagement to assess Return On Investment.
As shown below participants’ emotional intelligence improved in every dimension and on average by 24%.

At the conclusion of the program, participants were more self-aware and empathetic towards each other. They were better at expressing their own emotions and were therefore perceived as more genuine and trustworthy. They were also better at managing their own emotions and positively influencing the way others felt resulting in improved resilience, teamwork and relationships.
What was the impact on employee engagement? As shown below, the a result of the program and improvements in emotional intelligence was significantly increased employee engagement of the participants.

As shown above, employee engagement levels doubled moving from a low of 22% at the commencement of the initiative to 44% at the conclusion. This increased employee engagement meant participants were more likely to:
- Praise the organisation as a great place to work improving the organisations employment brand.
- Persist in the face of difficult work and be more committed to their work improving talent retention within the organisation.
- Put in discretionary effort improving productivity and service levels.
Participant Feedback
Thank you for these documents and also thank you for the workshops. I found it extremely useful – and perhaps the best training of this type that I have experienced. I learned quite a lot about my own responses (just when I thought I knew it all!!!) and I was quite humbled and delighted at the extent to which everyone in the group contributed and participated – truly an honest and open sharing, and I think we all benefitted all the more for this. Within minutes of the first session finishing, Catherine arrived at my desk and we continued to chat and reflect on the exercises for the next 2 hours – we continued over coffee again yesterday and have made a plan for regular phone catch-ups when I get back to Head Office. All the best and thanks again.